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A hero left after season...

Posted: 10.09.2006, 15:37
by HF
Schumi will left the active F1. (Driverpositions)

:D :D :D (You know me)

Maybe there gonna be a big hole but hey, other big persons did also stopped and many said the F1 will go down but look, everytime a new hero is coming. I only say Vettel, Rosberg (with a better team), Alonso, Raikkönen, Kovalainen... there are a lot of them.

I'm just happy... but I don't know for who I will cross my thumbs for... Raikkönen, Alosno or another driver.............. I really don't know.

Posted: 10.09.2006, 23:45
by AAS
GP2 wrote:Mh, it's not so funny. Don't write such a crap. Nobody could be as well as Schumi!!! Nobody in the past was it and nobody in the future could it be!!!

true !

Schumi is OK. A big champion. The most successful one of all times.
My favourite driver was HHF. His victories are unforgettable. I have them on video tapes.
Heidfeld, Vettel, Glock and some other german driver will have success.
(I hope :) )

My dream for the next season is a exciting fight for the championship with Nick, Kimi, Fisico, Jenson.

Posted: 11.09.2006, 15:02
by HF
You forgot Alonso. Maybe nobody will win 7 times the championship but I think that there will be also very talented drivers with a good car!

Posted: 11.09.2006, 17:53
by AAS
HF wrote:You forgot Alonso.

NO !

I talk about "My dream for the next season".
Alonso is for sure not in my dreams.

Posted: 11.09.2006, 19:32
by HF

BTW: when does the siteupdate comes?

Posted: 12.09.2006, 14:14
by AAS
yesterday :wink:

Posted: 12.09.2006, 15:40
by AD
I've never been a big fan of Schumacher, but I respect the way he explained his decision and how he made it...

Generally, I see it from two sides... on the one hand, Schumacher was a great driver who holds a lot of records, so it will be kind of weird to see him gone... on the other hand, I'm really looking forward to next season because a lot of things can be different... top teams like Renault and (possibly) McLaren will have different drivers / younger drivers that get the chance to prove themselves in a good car (Kovalainen and maybe Hamilton/Paffet). We'll be able to witness a new era in Ferrari's history as well...

Posted: 05.10.2006, 00:13
by Moonrakerâ„¢
I hugely doubt Schumacher. I really do. I want to believe he is as good as his statistics say, but. He's never really had a bad car. I'd love him to go to Red Bull next year (I know he's retired). Just to see what he can do with middle / back car machinery.

I wonder if he'll do any more racing in the future (GT / GP MASTERS)

Posted: 05.10.2006, 09:44
by V12-Power
Guess why Schumacher never had a bad car! ... Right, because he is simply one of the best drivers. That's the way F1 works, that's the way how sport works, that's the way how life works.

If Schumacher had stronger opponents during the last years he would have probably won less titles. But his luck was that there was no one who was as good as him and in addition to that had a car as good as he had (except 2003). And in the years were he had not the best car (97+98) he was always able to fight for the title.

I personally can't understand people who doubt Schumacher, if they doubt him they would have to doubt almost every driver imo.

Posted: 05.10.2006, 19:34
by Moonrakerâ„¢
Well, No I don't doubt every driver.

Coulthard has said in an interview on British TV that his team (RDR) said at Monaco to jsut "go for it" as it's not a track to worry about the car. This alone says that they have to look after the car aroudn the track.

With Ferrari's excellent reliability, can you really imagine Schu "being wary". nope, doubt it.

I know he is a decent driver, but too many things scar him. All his drity fuckin tricks. Costing people titles and subsewuently trying to stop people winning titles, hell he even tried dirty tricks this year @ Monaco.

NOW THAT, tells me he isn't all he cracked up to be. Otherwise he'd have the confidence to get on with it and race.

Let's see him enter World GT, or CART (as IRL is just fucking ovals). And see how he does there.

Posted: 05.10.2006, 21:23
by AD
I think this timing for Schumacher's retirement is absolutely right... right now, there are several drivers like Alonso and Kimi that can challenge him if their teams can come up with a decent car. Probably similarly talented guys like Kubica, Kovalainen, Hamilton, Vettel and Piquet are just getting started and could bring themselves in a good position in a few years. Maintaining his success would become increasingly difficult for Schumacher, even if he's shown this year that with a car as good as his current competitors, he can still win races and titles. We've seen from 2004 to last year though how quickly things can turn, "even" on someone like him.

It's also a bit funny to me that, judging from what Schumacher told the press at Monza, Ferrari had signed an actual contract with Kimi long before Schumacher was even "due" to make his decision, let alone when it was supposed to be communicated to the public - you could interpret that as them trying to prepare themselves for any likely outcome, but it's also possible that despite all the success they had with Schumacher, they were beginning to feel ready to "move on". Now, I don't want to pretend I have any "inside scoop" this was actually the case or it was the only way it could have happened, but I consider it a possibility.

In my opinion, Schumacher managed to get a lot of success out of years like 2002 or 2004 where he had a clearly superior car. In years where his material was "only" as good as the rest or significantly worse, he made mistakes not unlike "almost every driver".

Don't get me wrong, I do have a certain respect for Schumacher because of the amount of success he has achieved... what I don't buy into is this God-equal status that a lot of Germans attribute to him, because in my opinion, just the number of victories he has achieved shouldn't be the only thing to judge a driver, but also how they were achieved and under which conditions, whether they might have made things harder or easier.

Some people say, "What does it matter how he won the title? Two years down the road, all people will remember is that he did it, and that whoever competed against him didn't." That's a tendency Schumacher had, even after stuff like in Austria 2002 - it sometimes seems like despite him officially saying "You know I don't care about records, I care about the fun of racing, the here and now..." that he does count on these records always pointing him out as the best driver of all time, and in the future, people won't bother to "dig" any deeper than these numbers. He certainly was involved in a number of "interesting" incidents during these fifteen years, and achieving 23 (or whatever) more pole positions than an Ayrton Senna doesn't simply make that go away.

Posted: 10.10.2006, 14:39
by AAS