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Spyker F8-VII - Launch

Posted: 05.02.2007, 16:30
by HF



I think this car is cool! Either of the colour orange! :wink:

Posted: 05.02.2007, 16:40
by V12-Power
Somehow I have the feeling that there's something missing... :idea: ah, sponsors!

I really wonder what they will do without sponsors, it's sad to see they have even less than Midland, because Spyker appears much more sympathic to me.

The car itself looks nice.

Posted: 05.02.2007, 16:47
by HF
Either they don't need the money (unrealistic) or there aren't so much sponsors which want their logo on a orange car :wink:

Posted: 05.02.2007, 16:59
by DJS
I think they ask more money than Midland did.... :wink:
The black arrows' indicate that there's enough room for a big sponsor, maybe they'll have a major/title sponsor within a few weeks.

Posted: 05.02.2007, 17:05
by AAS
Oranje boven :D
nice car !

Posted: 05.02.2007, 19:02
by AD
I like that car... the orange should stand out pretty well among the other cars. It's like they decided to run McLaren's 2006 testing livery... :D

Probably a well-known German TV commentator will still find a way to get this car confused with, let's say, the Ferrari or something. 8)

Some studio shots in higher resolution are here for example:

Posted: 05.02.2007, 20:04
by HF
AD wrote:Some studio shots in higher resolution are here for example:

This site is very helpfully to build a car. There you can see much more details!

Posted: 05.02.2007, 21:17
by Moonrakerâ„¢
The bloody Dutch and their orange!!!! - it's like all they know. :evil:

Anyway, I do like it, but it is lacking sonsors. Kinda like the 2004 Jordan!! :D

The orange will hopefully be ok to put into GP2 as well.

Posted: 05.02.2007, 21:52
by TdK
I'm a dutchman myself, but have to say i dont like it that much. And indeed not much sponsors right now....

I hope it will work out in gp2, because have to paint it for my carset too :(

A lot of orange this year by the way.

Posted: 05.02.2007, 22:34
by rremedio
I like it a lot.

Posted: 06.02.2007, 00:40
by Moonrakerâ„¢
It'll also probably look like a Ferrari on TV! Last year's Midland vs McLaren anyone?

Posted: 06.02.2007, 19:43
by Moonrakerâ„¢
Moonrakerâ„¢ wrote:It'll also probably look like a Ferrari on TV! Last year's Midland vs McLaren anyone?

Well.... I was right :roll:

The thing looks red out in the open:


Posted: 06.02.2007, 19:46
by TdK
Yeah, indeed. Because the helmet of Albers looks orange. But maybe the contrast of the picture is not exactly right.... :?:

Posted: 10.02.2007, 12:47
by DJS
I've already decided what colour I'm going to use in GP2 and it might shock some people, but before I start on it I'll finish the Williams first. :wink:

Posted: 21.02.2007, 11:54
by Greyhead
It never occured to me before, but is Spyker not owned by the same person who owns Lost Boys? Therefore I'd have thought some Lost Boys logos would be on the car. Just struck me as a bit odd that there weren't any. You wouldn't expect to see a Red Bull without Red Bull branding!